If construction, remodeling, or multisite development is the core purpose of your Church Capital Campaign, consider the following 7 slogans and verse taglines/quotes. This list of church capital campaign themes will allow you to motivate your donor base around God's promise in 1 Kings 6:12.
(Click here to download an infographic of this church capital campaign slogans. )
These themes were designed to communicate why your build-out is important, in contrast of highlighting attributes or features. The best way to communicate your "case statement needs" is by telling a moving story, creating opportunities for broad-based dialogue, and personalizing activities around the theme for individuals to grow. The most critical part of capital stewardship campaigns is earning the intellectual and emotional acceptance of your audience. Hopefully, these church capital campaign themes will empower your to do so.
Use These “7 Church Capital Campaign Themes for Construction” to Inspire. - Not exploit.
The observation of your campaign's motive will dictate your success. Good church capital campaign themes give you the ability to present how your organization's needs directly align with God's will. Aim for unique ways to foster a collective growth of faith and wisdom. Allow God's message and spirit to motivate beyond the confines of capital, and His blessings and fulfillment will be widespread. Selecting a more spiritually motivated church capital campaign slogan, like the seven presented below, will allow you to accomplish all of the above.
#1 HIS Blueprint.
Out of all of the church capital campaign themes below, "HIS Blueprint " surrenders God's will the most. The message of the Holy Trinity should bring a stronger sense of purpose to our lives. Present the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit as Chief Builders of humanity, architecting a plan of creation, salvation, transformation, and judgment. Breaking down the intricacies of this blueprint could order the steps of your entire organization. Use this church capital campaign slogan to portray how your expansion plans align with the will of God.
#2 Load-Bearing Trust.
What are the load-bearing pillars of trust? Explore what it takes to wait in faith. Use this church capital campaign slogan to address how God works outside our realm of visibility. Discuss how God orchestrates events to reveal His plans for our lives. As you motivate your congregation to give, lead them to walk by faith rather than by sight.
#3 Concrete Truth.
As you secure funds for construction, highlight biblical instances of deliverance. Build a church stewardship campaign that stands on God's critical truths. Progress your church's ability to teach the Bible, do discipleship, and feed those that can’t feed themselves. Pave a path that reaches out to God in prayer and worship, because He is worthy.
#4 Bricks of Discernment.
The Bible gives us "bricks" to construct "discernment." Help your congregation strengthen their personal convictions. Stop short of insinuating moral mandates. Help them better understand the elements of Christianity that are not always tangible, visible, or obvious. Use this church capital campaign slogan to communicate the judgment calls surrounding your church's mission, as it evolves in physical form.
#5 Hoist Hope.
Create a platform to deal with life's complexities. Express having hope in God’s faithfulness and love. Don't only "hope" that God will do what he says. This is just a sign of weak faith. "Hoist Hope" raises a stronger understanding of faith and forthrightness, acknowledging God's ability to deliver on His promises.
#6 Upright Faith.
This church capital campaign theme gives you a forum to discuss the correlations between hope and faith. The upright construction to upright faith reference allows you to address the detractors of strong faith. Perhaps arrogant, prideful, or self-reliant human traits are becoming dismissive to God and His' will. Maybe this stewardship slogan will be more "constructive" than we can imagine.
#7 Carpentered Growth.
Use the wordplay of this church capital campaign theme to inspire growth beyond physical width. Aim to nurture the temple of God that resides in every member of your congregation. As you deliver updates throughout the construction process, display tools to establish DIY, spiritual "carpentered growth."
We have the Brick & Mortar of Your Church Capital Campaign Theme.
Church multisite expansion, new construction, or even simple remodeling projects can be daunting tasks. We lighten the load for pastors, stewardship teams, and consultants by handling the media portion of their church stewardship campaigns- end-to-end. This includes all print and digital capital campaign materials (design-to-print, design-to-direct mail, web design & hosting, and much more).
Let's Build a cohesive communications strategy for your next church capital campaign. With our online project planning system, you can convey your unique needs. Then, we will touch base, discuss details, and send you a detailed quote. Building a custom Church Capital Campaign Communication Package will help you achieve higher levels of realization.
However, our mission is far more significant than acquiring capital. We strive to help you impact lives!
Other Church Capital Campaign Names:
// 12 "Christ-Themed" Church Capital Campaign Slogans