The following church capital campaign slogans aim to put Christ at the helm. Some are original. Some are web finds. Some were modified to be more impactful. However, all come with Bible verses and description breakdowns.
Capital Campaign Slogans Should Expand Your Purpose Beyond Fundraising—not exploit.
Money should not be the motive. Capital stewardship campaigns should grow faith as much as it grows funds. Meaning, capital increases should come from the clear communication of purpose and values, as it correlates to the growth of God's kingdom.
Hopefully, this article and video can be used as food-for-thought, or maybe it will just help you brainstorm new church capital campaign themes/slogans and Bible verse taglines.
#1 Christ Preeminent. “The Head of All Things” – Col. 1:18
What a perfect way to start this list. This theme is about priorities! Clearly, we should put Christ first in everything we do. The guiding principle of this church capital campaign theme is to showcase how to put Him first. Depending on congregational dynamics, this is easier said than done.
Have an impact that goes far beyond capital stewardship. Broaden your campaign scope to include principled exchanges and discussions around this church capital campaign slogan. Creatively illustrate how the needs of your case statement put Christ first. Make peripheral content or devotions about the barriers that impede individuals from putting Him first. Also, address the benefits of putting Him first. Touch on how your group can budget to live a more abundant life that puts Christ first.
#2 Open Hearted for Christ. "Pour out your heart's to him, for God is our refuge." - Ps.62:8
This church capital campaign theme could be for organizations that get too bogged down with internal operations and politics. Being open hearted for Christ has to go beyond the action of gathering. It should resonate beyond the walls of your church. Maybe there needs to be a fundamental shift towards developing giving hearts that share ways to help others.
Create a church capital campaign that evolves hearts and souls. Have your stewardship team showcase what your Church's “Open Hearted Actions” will look like for the next few years. Also, mirror ways in which your congregation can do the same and participate.
#3 Best Offerings to the Lamb. “Worthy is the Lamb” – Rev. 5:12
This is a great verse to deliver a more explicit tithing message. We give offerings willingly from a grateful heart. It is important that we evolve our soul to give our best to Christ.
Come up with a format for your congregation to count their blessing, and share them around this church capital campaign theme. Aim to create a platform for them to show their thankfulness, with financial giving as a caveat. Communicate how Jesus is worthy of our offerings, and illustrate how your congregation can give Him their best.
4- Further with Him. “A Little Further: According to Your Will.” – Mat. 26:39
The Lord calls us to go further with Him. How far will you go? This church capital campaign slogan can be used to communicate an ambitious new vision or expansion plan. Most of your church members may have a relatively close relationship with God, but one thing is for certain- we could all be closer.
Get your congregation to reflect on areas of life they have yet to yield to Christ. Get them to share these stories, and search for scripture about how to go "further with Him." You will be architecting self-reliant faith. They will be breaking ground to build their foundation of faith, brick by brick.
5- Growing Forward in Him. “Unity of Faith… Measuring up to Christ.” -Eph.4:13
This slogan places emphasis on forward growth and using Christ’s grace as a measuring stick. Actionable growth can stem from many areas: witnessing, giving, praying, reading God’s Word, kindness, encouragement, etc. As growth can be defined many different ways, it is more important that this theme accomplishes a united faith in Christ.
For a healthier path forward, establish reciprocal growth between Church and congregation. Motivate genuine efforts to be worthy of His mercy and love. Focus on everyone’s need for growth, and offer solutions within the church capital campaign.
#6 Abiding in Christ. “Bearing Fruit in Christ” – Jn. 15:2
This capital stewardship campaign theme aims to emphasize the need for Christ. You may know of people in your church who lack motivation, or maybe feel like they just aren’t able to see or help carry out God’s will. Perhaps this problem could be solved by finding ways for your congregation to live out "Abiding in Christ."
This is not always focused on actions; sometimes we just need to rest in Christ and let mold us and His house. Write a clear case statement, and use this church capital campaign slogan to organize prayers around "molding us and His house." Through Christ, we can bear fruit; without Him, we do not have anything.
#7 Entrust Deeper in Him. “Rooted & Built Up In Christ And Established In The Faith.” – Col. 2:7
Maybe your campaign should aim to gain width and attendance by showcasing your congregation's depth and devotion to Him.
Entrust your entire organization with the process of organic “building what will set the church apart.” Tie this into your case statement, and facilitate ways to deepen relationships among members. Grow their devotion to Christ.
#8 Deposit in Christ Savings! “Finding your Brothers… Bringing your loved ones to Christ” -Jn. 1:41
This slogan delivers financial wordplay to emphasize what Jesus wants: for us to seek and save the lost. Their “Deposit in Christ Savings” is the best investment in the church’s future as well as the lives of individuals. It is a catchy way of delivering financial needs as it directly pertains to increasing attendance and the outcome of saving lives in Christ.
Focus your capital campaign evolving hearts and souls. This church capital campaign theme is a fun way to keep donation/gifting communication efforts Christ-aligned. No amount of fundraising is useful if it does not have a worthy goal.
#9 Children to the Savior. “Let the Children come unto Me” – Mat. 19:14
This is a good theme for churches that have youth ministry and child care needs within their case statement. Maybe you are raising money to enhance vacation Bible school, Christian day school, bus ministry, etc. The Bible illustrates that children were comfortable and happy in the presence of Jesus.
Spearhead your church’s outreach to children with this scripture-sharp church capital campaign slogan. “Children to the Savior” is powerful, simple, focused, and can be utilized as a running theme to mobilize (i.e. your church should never stop bringing kids to Christ).
#10 All for Christ, Brave Giving. “Give All to the Least…Follow Me” – Mk. 10:21
In this passage, Christ calls on a young rich man to sell all that he has and to follow Him. You can spend your entire campaign trying to dissect what was on his mind and what had to be in his heart.
This is a powerful church capital campaign slogan, but a dangerous one as well. Remember it is Christ that commands people, not you. Therefore, this slogan is for campaigns where extensive mission work is the root purpose of their case statement. Sometimes it takes fearless giving to get a mission off the ground, but one thing is for sure: your church’s actions will be Christ-like!
#11 All Things, Through Christ. “Christ Strengthens Me” – Phil. 4:13
I had to squeeze in a personal favorite… Sorry, if it is not original enough. Maybe the needs of your capital stewardship campaign are somewhat too lofty. Perhaps your church is going through a particularly difficult trial. In the context of Phil. 4:13, Paul talks about suffering. The appropriation of this verse will help you and your congregation.
Remind your congregation that all things are possible through Christ! Focus on unique ways to organize your campaign around it, and get to work! Sometimes an oldie-but-goodie can be tried-and-true.
#12 The Savior’s with Us. “Teaching His Commands… In His Power” – Mat. 28:20
This slogan and scripture tagline could be used to communicate educational capital stewardship needs. In Mat. 28:20, Christ promises to always be with His disciples. It is important to communicate how your church capital campaign is Christ-inspired, and reiterate that God is with you.
Use this church capital campaign theme to remind people of Jesus’ presence, and what he does for those who teach. Mobilize around the fact that He never breaks His promises! No matter how hard the educational or fundraising task, Christ will be with you.
Church Capital Campaign Themes Need a Quality Look & Feel to Support Them.
To bring one of these themes and taglines to life, let's create a cohesive communication strategy. Abstract Union builds various print or digital church capital campaign materials end-to-end. With our humanized online project planning system, we help stewardship teams, pastors, and consultants do their jobs better.
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