The following church capital campaign slogans are gospel-themed. Some are original. Some were found around the web. Some were adjusted to be more impactful. You might find it useful that all slogans come with a Bible verse tagline and a description breakdown.
Gospel-themed, Church Capital Campaign Slogans to Inspire Faith- not exploit.
Maybe this article will be used as food-for-thought. Maybe this will simply encourage you to brainstorm better church capital campaign themes. Either way, aim to create slogans and taglines that portray why your campaign is important, as opposed to portraying your church's needs. Your campaign purpose should not be 100% money driven.
Capital stewardship campaigns that bolster collective faith, growth, and wisdom, tend to acquire funds with better integrity. Therefore, you can expect the following church capital campaign slogans to be broader in scope and meaning.
#1 The Gospel on Display. "And The Gospel Must First Be Preached To All Nations." -Mk 13:10
Transparently deliver the gospel through present-day storytelling. This slogan could be for a church capital campaign that needs to appeal to a broad audience. It opens the door for engaging, palatable topics. Hypocrisy is a major detractor of faith building and fundraising. Perhaps creatively putting Christ's "gospel on display" will better educate, garner support, and motivate action. #2 Applied Law & Gospel. “Upright & Godly Lives in This Present Age… Eager to Do What’s Good.” -Titus 2:11-15
Pay reverence to law and gospel in a practical manner. This slogan gives your church the ability to tackle present issues with both law and gospel while exploring the truth of God’s will. Evolve your capital campaign into a forum that inspires overall congregational good. This creates a rising tide that will float all boats- i.e. the needs of your church capital campaign.
#3 Grace for a New Generation. "But To Each One Of Us Grace Has been Given As Christ Apportioned it." -Eph. 1:2
Draw a new generation to God's grace. With open arms to youth, this slogan aims to inspire the desire and power to do his will. It is important to express how and why God gives us grace. Create a church capital campaign that echoes his kindness to future generations.
#4 Generational Legacy. Transformational Future. "His Faithfulness Continues Through All Generations." -Ps. 100:5
Graciously recognize and honor the legacy of your senior members while tapping into cultural relevance for younger generations. A church with a broad membership variety would benefit from this church capital campaign theme. Create a platform for older generations to tell stories of their faith causing them to persevere, and share the outcome. These stories are concrete evidence of your church's hope. Ground them with the word of God, use today's digital media to communicate and document them, and leverage dialogue to reach your goals.
#5 Forward in Jesus. “Walk in the Light…Before the Lights Out." -Jn. 12:35
Implore that the time is now for the Church to utilize God's grace. Showcase how your Church Capital Campaign directly aligns with God's will. Walking with Christ implies that your Church's actions directly correlate with his actions, and you are moving in a direction He wants the Church to go. However, Jn. 12:35 says that we must walk in the light of Christ while we still can. There's a sense of urgency to do all that we can today! Don’t wait to follow Christ, for you may find yourself in a darkness that’s difficult to escape. The time is now!
#6 Power On. Power Up. Power Through. "Look To The Lord And His Strength; Seek His Face Always." 1 Chr. 16:11
Leverage a powerful and definitive message. Charismatic, culturally diverse, non-denominational churches could use a capital campaign slogan like this one. It is a message of hope and perseverance. However, the message of power portrays a type strength only God can deliver.
#7 Making a Difference With Truth & Love. "We Love Because He Loved Us First." -1 Jn 4:19
Fill the void of love with sound scriptural truths. There’s a lot of hurt in the world. Perhaps your congregation needs to rally around a clear message of passion. Use this church capital campaign theme to motivate others to love, and leverage scriptures of Christ's genuine love to influence action.
#8 Nurturing Grace & Love. "Be Joyful In Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful In Prayer ." -Rom. 12:12
Go with a universal objective. Giving is something that matters both to people of faith and people who are not of faith. If there is anything that will bridge the gap between them, it should be the sharing of grace and love. Use this church capital campaign slogan to highlight this element, and motivate actions around it.
#9 Living & Leading Better. "Whoever Pursues Righteousness And Love Finds Life, Prosperity, And Honor." -Prov. 21:21
Get individuals to look beyond their current life, and lead them to what Christ has planned for them in the future. Build a platform for them to proactively pursue more in life and motivate others to do the same. Your church capital campaign slogan can be a message of good news while illustrating how the Church plans to grow. The tone in this theme is one of absolute hope and grandeur. However, the activity opportunities surrounding it could truly change congregational dynamics.
#10 Belief In Deliverance. "The Testing Of Your Faith Produces Perseverance." -Jas. 1:3
Help your congregation acquire the discernment to escape from sin, trials, and adverse influences. Perhaps church capital campaign is for an organization facing the toughest of times.Find better ways to serve the human components of your church so that growth becomes cyclical. Find delight in taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves. This church capital campaign slogan is a beacon of optimism.
Church Capital Campaign Themes and Taglines Are Not Enough!
You need a cohesive communication strategy to bring these church capital campaign slogans and taglines to life! Get various print or digital church capital campaign materials built end-to-end. Abstract Union has a humanized online project planning system, to help pastors, stewardship teams, and consultants do their jobs better. View what Church Capital Campaign Materials we offer. Or, tells what you think about slogans and Bible verse taglines below...
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